Colorful red and white striped hinge booths are available to make your fair look as festive as possible. These booths also create a barrier between the games and prizes in order to keep things running as smoothly.
The suggested minimum cost to play is listed next to each game along with the skill factor required to play each game.
(NOTE: Tables for prize display are not included with game rentals.)
* = Game is easy
** = Game requires medium skill
*** = Game is difficult
Player rolls 3 small balls into colored slots. Prize is determined by number of balls in same slot.
Player shoots ball up in attempt to get ball in slots to collect points.
Player throws 10 balls into tub with 25 holes. 2 rows of 5 wins a 1st prize, 1 row of 5 wins a 2nd prize.
Player bounces ball off bumpers and into holes to win prize.
Player bounces car off bumper. Player wins prize based on what color car is pointing.
Throw bean bags to knock over all the cans.
Throw bean bags to knock out the clowns teeth.
Player tosses rings around coke bottles to win prize.
Spin the wheel to win a prize.
Player steers rolling ball down ramp into slot to win prize.
Player throws whiffle balls through hat to win prize.
Player uses a crossbow with suction darts to knock down targets.
Player uses a pool cue stick to knock ball into center hole.
Player picks a floating duck from a tank to determine prize won.
Pass football through hole and win prize.
(*Premium Game) Roll the ball down the alley and try to stop in the 100 slot. Two chances to win!
Player uses a mallet to flip frog onto center spindle.
Player putts golf ball into hole to win prize.
Player shoots Jr. Basketball through hoop to win prize.
Half dollar is placed on cue ball in the middle of a circle at end of game. Using another cue ball, the player attempts to knock 50¢ piece out of the circle for first prize.
Player rolls cube down the chute. The colored dot facing up determines prize won.
Player tosses large wiffle balls into hole in top of milk jug.
(NEW FOR 2024) - Roll ping pong balls down table add them up to get over 30 or under 11
Player throws 3 bean bags through catchers mitt to win prize.
Drop pucks down the board and attempt to land in same color.
Player rolls balls down the board towards the colored slots. All 4 balls in different colors or all in the same color wins prize.
Player rolls a bowling ball down a track and over a hump in middle of track. If ball stays on far side of hump, player wins prize.
Bounce Ping Pong Balls into the hoop
Player uses a miniature hockey stick to slap the puck passed the goalie.
Player attempts to toss Frisbee through holes in board. SPIN ART* - Player puts paint on a card and spins the card to create his/her own “Masterpiece”. (School Cost is $1.00 per card, Fun Services suggest charging $1.50 to $2.00 to the student)
Player must stand up a coke bottle on a block before it rolls off the block.
Player tosses bean bags into the colored slots.
(*Premium Game) Slide 3 pucks down the board in an attempt to knock up and over all 7 pins.
Player swings ball to knock down cubes. If cubes spell out win, player wins prize.
Player rolls two large whiffle balls down board. If two balls total 7 or 11, player wins prize.
Player tosses two balls into a tub with numbers on the side. If two balls total 7 or 11, player wins prize.
Roll the steel bowling ball down the alley to strike out three pins.
Player throws 3 balls into a tub with 9 holes. Any tic tac toe wins prize.
Player throws balls in order to tip over jugs. The more tipped over the better the prize.
Player rolls ball down to knock over pins.
Player selects a key from a jar. If the key opens lock on treasure chest, player selects prize.
Player throws 3 bean bags at the trolls. Prize depends on # of trolls knocked off the bridge.
(*Premium Game) Push the pucks down and around. Land in the 100 point slot to win!
Player rolls wiffle balls in attempt to get 3 in a row.